Русский язык (Определение главной информации текста)

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Вопрос 1

Вы услышите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных А, B, C и D. Определите, где происходит каждый из этих диалогов. Используйте каждое место действия из списка 1–5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место действия. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.


Воспользуйтесь плеером, чтобы прослушать запись.

1. At home

2. At the zoo

3. At a stadium

4. On a beach

5. On a street



Диалог A B C D
Место действия                                


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3 , 1 , 2 , 4

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Вопрос 2

Вы услышите пять высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A–E и утверждениями, данными в списке 1–6. Используйте каждое утверждение из списка 1–6 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.


Воспользуйтесь плеером, чтобы прослушать запись.

1. The speaker talks about his/her favourite subject.

2. The speaker talks about his/her after-class activities.

3. The speaker describes his/her school classroom.

4. The speaker explains how to use the school library.

5. The speaker describes a school book exhibition.

6. The speaker explains what his/her friend is angry about.



Говорящий A B C D E


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3 , 1 , 6 , 2 , 4

Полученные баллы: 0

Вопрос 3

Вы услышите разговор двух друзей. выберите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. вы услышите запись дважды.


Воспользуйтесь плеером, чтобы прослушать запись.

This Saturday Kate is going to


1) take her literature exam.

2) spend time with her relatives.

3) be at a friend’s birthday party.


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Вопрос 4

Вы услышите разговор двух друзей. выберите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


Воспользуйтесь плеером, чтобы прослушать запись.

Tim wants to give Anna


1) a box of chocolates.

2) some flowers.

3) a computer disk.


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Вопрос 5

Вы услышите разговор двух друзей. выберите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


Воспользуйтесь плеером, чтобы прослушать запись.

Tim enjoys


1) sports.

2) shopping.

3) camping.


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Вопрос 6

Вы услышите разговор двух друзей. Выберите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


Воспользуйтесь плеером, чтобы прослушать запись.

Last summer Tim


1) stayed at home.

2) learnt to fish.

3) went scouting.


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Вопрос 7

Вы услышите разговор двух друзей. Выберите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


Воспользуйтесь плеером, чтобы прослушать запись.

Tim has to leave because he needs to


1) go to the stadium.

2) see a doctor.

3) walk the dog.


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Вопрос 8

Вы услышите разговор двух друзей. Выберите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


Воспользуйтесь плеером, чтобы прослушать запись.

Tim’s brother is


1) older.

2) exactly the same age.

3) younger.


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Вопрос 9

Вы проводите информационный поиск в ходе выполнения проектной работы. Определите, в каком из текстов A–F содержатся ответы на интересующие Вас вопросы 1–7. Один из вопросов останется без ответа. Занесите Ваши

ответы в таблицу.


1. How can people use their digital personal assistants?

2. What kind of mobiles is ideal for a grandma?

3. What kind of strange competition started in Finland in 2000?

4. How can people get back to real-life communication?

5. What is a law against mobiles?

6. How can people recognize phone addiction?

7. What kind of a new musical instrument was used by a young Chinese girl?



A. Young people often worry about the style and functions of mobile phones. However, today companies present more models for people who are over 50 or 60 years old. They need a mobile phone with large buttons, so that they can dial numbers without glasses. The menu is also simple. It really doesn't matter if the phone has a camera or the Internet. For them, less is more.


B. Today, when friends meet in a cafe, they put their mobile phones in the middle of the table. They aren't allowed to touch them at all. If someone does it and answers the phone, they have to pay for everybody. Sounds fun, right? The idea is to make people concentrate on a real conversation with each other instead of using their mobiles all the time.


C. Visitors of theatres and cinemas often complain that mobile phones ring during performances. The city government of New York passed a new act. It is now forbidden to use mobile phones in places, like theaters, libraries, museums, galleries, and cinemas. Those who don't switch off their mobiles will have to pay $50.


D. With mobile phones we can contact anyone, anywhere, any time. Scientists say that some people are so used to mobiles that they can't go to the kitchen without them. They are in panic if they leave them at home or lose. It has become a habit to have a mobile everywhere. People depend on mobile phones so much that doctors have started worrying. They say it may be a thing similar to drugs.


E. In 2010, a young girl from China made a song using only her mobile phone. She wrote it without any guitars, pianos, drums. She used different functions of her mobile. It took her several days to record the song. Later she made a video of it and put the video on the Internet, where over a million people watched it. She sent the song to the Apple company and suggested using it in their advertisements.


F. Today's mobile phones can already send e-mails, surf the Internet, and keep you in touch with friends. Tomorrow's phones are like helpful secretaries. In a few years you'll see that they know your habits and can advise you what to cook for dinner. They will remind you where to go and what present to buy.



Текст A B C D E F



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Вопрос 10

Louis Armstrong spent his childhood in a peaceful and respectable part of New Orleans.


1) True

2) False

3) Not stated




Louis Armstrong

Louis Armstrong played jazz, sang jazz and wrote jazz. He recorded hit songs for fifty years and his music is still heard today on television, radio and in movies.

Louis Armstrong was born in New Orleans, in the state of Louisiana on August 4th, 1901. His father was a factory worker and left the family soon after Louis's birth. Young Louis was desperately poor. He lived with his sister, mother and grandmother in the poorest area of New Orleans known as the Battlefield because of the fighting and shooting that often happened there.

When Louis was eleven years old, he was arrested for firing a gun into the air on New Year's Eve. He was sent to a reform school, where he learned to play the trumpet in the school's band. Eighteen months later Louis was back home and already dreaming of the life of a musician. He sold newspapers, unloaded boats and sold coal. However, in the evenings Louis played the trumpet with local groups or went to clubs to listen to jazz bands. He soon became friends with one of the greatest musicians of the time, Joe Oliver, who became young Louis's teacher. As Louis's skills developed, he began to perform professionally.

He was soon able to stop working on manual labour jobs and began concentrating full-time on music, playing at parties, dances, and at local cafes. He joined Joe Oliver's band and moved to Chicago. Later, Louis organised his own band and began to record one of the greatest series of songs in the history of jazz. Louis developed a unique style of singing: he could make his voice sound like a musical instrument and he could make an instrument sound like a singer's voice. Louis enjoyed singing improvised melodies and rhythms. Armstrong was an easygoing and communicative person. His fellow musicians called him “Satchelmouth” because of his wide smile. Later, it was shortened to “Satchmo”.

Armstrong's biggest hits came later in his life. In 1964, his version of the song «Hello Dolly» was a top hit around the world. It even replaced a top-selling hit by the hugely popular British group, the Beatles. Three years later, he appeared in the film version of “Hello Dolly” with singer Barbra Streisand. The song “What a Wonderful World”, recorded in 1968, was his final big hit.

Louis Armstrong never finished the fifth grade in school, yet he wrote two books about his life and many stories for magazines. He appeared in more than thirty movies. He composed many jazz pieces. He won several gold records and many other awards. Armstrong performed about three hundred concerts each year, travelling all over the world. He became known as the legend and symbol of jazz.


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Вопрос 11

Louis Armstrong did well at school.


1) True

2) False

3) Not stated




Louis Armstrong

Louis Armstrong played jazz, sang jazz and wrote jazz. He recorded hit songs for fifty years and his music is still heard today on television, radio and in movies.

Louis Armstrong was born in New Orleans, in the state of Louisiana on August 4th, 1901. His father was a factory worker and left the family soon after Louis's birth. Young Louis was desperately poor. He lived with his sister, mother and grandmother in the poorest area of New Orleans known as the Battlefield because of the fighting and shooting that often happened there.

When Louis was eleven years old, he was arrested for firing a gun into the air on New Year's Eve. He was sent to a reform school, where he learned to play the trumpet in the school's band. Eighteen months later Louis was back home and already dreaming of the life of a musician. He sold newspapers, unloaded boats and sold coal. However, in the evenings Louis played the trumpet with local groups or went to clubs to listen to jazz bands. He soon became friends with one of the greatest musicians of the time, Joe Oliver, who became young Louis's teacher. As Louis's skills developed, he began to perform professionally.

He was soon able to stop working on manual labour jobs and began concentrating full-time on music, playing at parties, dances, and at local cafes. He joined Joe Oliver's band and moved to Chicago. Later, Louis organised his own band and began to record one of the greatest series of songs in the history of jazz. Louis developed a unique style of singing: he could make his voice sound like a musical instrument and he could make an instrument sound like a singer's voice. Louis enjoyed singing improvised melodies and rhythms. Armstrong was an easygoing and communicative person. His fellow musicians called him “Satchelmouth” because of his wide smile. Later, it was shortened to “Satchmo”.

Armstrong's biggest hits came later in his life. In 1964, his version of the song «Hello Dolly» was a top hit around the world. It even replaced a top-selling hit by the hugely popular British group, the Beatles. Three years later, he appeared in the film version of “Hello Dolly” with singer Barbra Streisand. The song “What a Wonderful World”, recorded in 1968, was his final big hit.

Louis Armstrong never finished the fifth grade in school, yet he wrote two books about his life and many stories for magazines. He appeared in more than thirty movies. He composed many jazz pieces. He won several gold records and many other awards. Armstrong performed about three hundred concerts each year, travelling all over the world. He became known as the legend and symbol of jazz.


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Вопрос 12

As a teenager Louis Armstrong did several jobs.


1) True

2) False

3) Not stated




Louis Armstrong

Louis Armstrong played jazz, sang jazz and wrote jazz. He recorded hit songs for fifty years and his music is still heard today on television, radio and in movies.

Louis Armstrong was born in New Orleans, in the state of Louisiana on August 4th, 1901. His father was a factory worker and left the family soon after Louis's birth. Young Louis was desperately poor. He lived with his sister, mother and grandmother in the poorest area of New Orleans known as the Battlefield because of the fighting and shooting that often happened there.

When Louis was eleven years old, he was arrested for firing a gun into the air on New Year's Eve. He was sent to a reform school, where he learned to play the trumpet in the school's band. Eighteen months later Louis was back home and already dreaming of the life of a musician. He sold newspapers, unloaded boats and sold coal. However, in the evenings Louis played the trumpet with local groups or went to clubs to listen to jazz bands. He soon became friends with one of the greatest musicians of the time, Joe Oliver, who became young Louis's teacher. As Louis's skills developed, he began to perform professionally.

He was soon able to stop working on manual labour jobs and began concentrating full-time on music, playing at parties, dances, and at local cafes. He joined Joe Oliver's band and moved to Chicago. Later, Louis organised his own band and began to record one of the greatest series of songs in the history of jazz. Louis developed a unique style of singing: he could make his voice sound like a musical instrument and he could make an instrument sound like a singer's voice. Louis enjoyed singing improvised melodies and rhythms. Armstrong was an easygoing and communicative person. His fellow musicians called him “Satchelmouth” because of his wide smile. Later, it was shortened to “Satchmo”.

Armstrong's biggest hits came later in his life. In 1964, his version of the song «Hello Dolly» was a top hit around the world. It even replaced a top-selling hit by the hugely popular British group, the Beatles. Three years later, he appeared in the film version of “Hello Dolly” with singer Barbra Streisand. The song “What a Wonderful World”, recorded in 1968, was his final big hit.

Louis Armstrong never finished the fifth grade in school, yet he wrote two books about his life and many stories for magazines. He appeared in more than thirty movies. He composed many jazz pieces. He won several gold records and many other awards. Armstrong performed about three hundred concerts each year, travelling all over the world. He became known as the legend and symbol of jazz.


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Вопрос 13

Louis Armstrong got his nickname due to his smile.


1) True

2) False

3) Not stated




Louis Armstrong

Louis Armstrong played jazz, sang jazz and wrote jazz. He recorded hit songs for fifty years and his music is still heard today on television, radio and in movies.

Louis Armstrong was born in New Orleans, in the state of Louisiana on August 4th, 1901. His father was a factory worker and left the family soon after Louis's birth. Young Louis was desperately poor. He lived with his sister, mother and grandmother in the poorest area of New Orleans known as the Battlefield because of the fighting and shooting that often happened there.

When Louis was eleven years old, he was arrested for firing a gun into the air on New Year's Eve. He was sent to a reform school, where he learned to play the trumpet in the school's band. Eighteen months later Louis was back home and already dreaming of the life of a musician. He sold newspapers, unloaded boats and sold coal. However, in the evenings Louis played the trumpet with local groups or went to clubs to listen to jazz bands. He soon became friends with one of the greatest musicians of the time, Joe Oliver, who became young Louis's teacher. As Louis's skills developed, he began to perform professionally.

He was soon able to stop working on manual labour jobs and began concentrating full-time on music, playing at parties, dances, and at local cafes. He joined Joe Oliver's band and moved to Chicago. Later, Louis organised his own band and began to record one of the greatest series of songs in the history of jazz. Louis developed a unique style of singing: he could make his voice sound like a musical instrument and he could make an instrument sound like a singer's voice. Louis enjoyed singing improvised melodies and rhythms. Armstrong was an easygoing and communicative person. His fellow musicians called him “Satchelmouth” because of his wide smile. Later, it was shortened to “Satchmo”.

Armstrong's biggest hits came later in his life. In 1964, his version of the song «Hello Dolly» was a top hit around the world. It even replaced a top-selling hit by the hugely popular British group, the Beatles. Three years later, he appeared in the film version of “Hello Dolly” with singer Barbra Streisand. The song “What a Wonderful World”, recorded in 1968, was his final big hit.

Louis Armstrong never finished the fifth grade in school, yet he wrote two books about his life and many stories for magazines. He appeared in more than thirty movies. He composed many jazz pieces. He won several gold records and many other awards. Armstrong performed about three hundred concerts each year, travelling all over the world. He became known as the legend and symbol of jazz.


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Вопрос 14

Louis Armstrong never performed in a film.


1) True

2) False

3) Not stated




Louis Armstrong

Louis Armstrong played jazz, sang jazz and wrote jazz. He recorded hit songs for fifty years and his music is still heard today on television, radio and in movies.

Louis Armstrong was born in New Orleans, in the state of Louisiana on August 4th, 1901. His father was a factory worker and left the family soon after Louis's birth. Young Louis was desperately poor. He lived with his sister, mother and grandmother in the poorest area of New Orleans known as the Battlefield because of the fighting and shooting that often happened there.

When Louis was eleven years old, he was arrested for firing a gun into the air on New Year's Eve. He was sent to a reform school, where he learned to play the trumpet in the school's band. Eighteen months later Louis was back home and already dreaming of the life of a musician. He sold newspapers, unloaded boats and sold coal. However, in the evenings Louis played the trumpet with local groups or went to clubs to listen to jazz bands. He soon became friends with one of the greatest musicians of the time, Joe Oliver, who became young Louis's teacher. As Louis's skills developed, he began to perform professionally.

He was soon able to stop working on manual labour jobs and began concentrating full-time on music, playing at parties, dances, and at local cafes. He joined Joe Oliver's band and moved to Chicago. Later, Louis organised his own band and began to record one of the greatest series of songs in the history of jazz. Louis developed a unique style of singing: he could make his voice sound like a musical instrument and he could make an instrument sound like a singer's voice. Louis enjoyed singing improvised melodies and rhythms. Armstrong was an easygoing and communicative person. His fellow musicians called him “Satchelmouth” because of his wide smile. Later, it was shortened to “Satchmo”.

Armstrong's biggest hits came later in his life. In 1964, his version of the song «Hello Dolly» was a top hit around the world. It even replaced a top-selling hit by the hugely popular British group, the Beatles. Three years later, he appeared in the film version of “Hello Dolly” with singer Barbra Streisand. The song “What a Wonderful World”, recorded in 1968, was his final big hit.

Louis Armstrong never finished the fifth grade in school, yet he wrote two books about his life and many stories for magazines. He appeared in more than thirty movies. He composed many jazz pieces. He won several gold records and many other awards. Armstrong performed about three hundred concerts each year, travelling all over the world. He became known as the legend and symbol of jazz.


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Вопрос 15

Louis Armstrong was sorry that he had not completed his school course.


1) True

2) False

3) Not stated




Louis Armstrong

Louis Armstrong played jazz, sang jazz and wrote jazz. He recorded hit songs for fifty years and his music is still heard today on television, radio and in movies.

Louis Armstrong was born in New Orleans, in the state of Louisiana on August 4th, 1901. His father was a factory worker and left the family soon after Louis's birth. Young Louis was desperately poor. He lived with his sister, mother and grandmother in the poorest area of New Orleans known as the Battlefield because of the fighting and shooting that often happened there.

When Louis was eleven years old, he was arrested for firing a gun into the air on New Year's Eve. He was sent to a reform school, where he learned to play the trumpet in the school's band. Eighteen months later Louis was back home and already dreaming of the life of a musician. He sold newspapers, unloaded boats and sold coal. However, in the evenings Louis played the trumpet with local groups or went to clubs to listen to jazz bands. He soon became friends with one of the greatest musicians of the time, Joe Oliver, who became young Louis's teacher. As Louis's skills developed, he began to perform professionally.

He was soon able to stop working on manual labour jobs and began concentrating full-time on music, playing at parties, dances, and at local cafes. He joined Joe Oliver's band and moved to Chicago. Later, Louis organised his own band and began to record one of the greatest series of songs in the history of jazz. Louis developed a unique style of singing: he could make his voice sound like a musical instrument and he could make an instrument sound like a singer's voice. Louis enjoyed singing improvised melodies and rhythms. Armstrong was an easygoing and communicative person. His fellow musicians called him “Satchelmouth” because of his wide smile. Later, it was shortened to “Satchmo”.

Armstrong's biggest hits came later in his life. In 1964, his version of the song «Hello Dolly» was a top hit around the world. It even replaced a top-selling hit by the hugely popular British group, the Beatles. Three years later, he appeared in the film version of “Hello Dolly” with singer Barbra Streisand. The song “What a Wonderful World”, recorded in 1968, was his final big hit.

Louis Armstrong never finished the fifth grade in school, yet he wrote two books about his life and many stories for magazines. He appeared in more than thirty movies. He composed many jazz pieces. He won several gold records and many other awards. Armstrong performed about three hundred concerts each year, travelling all over the world. He became known as the legend and symbol of jazz.


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Вопрос 16

Louis Armstrong gave concerts only in the United States.


1) True

2) False

3) Not stated




Louis Armstrong

Louis Armstrong played jazz, sang jazz and wrote jazz. He recorded hit songs for fifty years and his music is still heard today on television, radio and in movies.

Louis Armstrong was born in New Orleans, in the state of Louisiana on August 4th, 1901. His father was a factory worker and left the family soon after Louis's birth. Young Louis was desperately poor. He lived with his sister, mother and grandmother in the poorest area of New Orleans known as the Battlefield because of the fighting and shooting that often happened there.

When Louis was eleven years old, he was arrested for firing a gun into the air on New Year's Eve. He was sent to a reform school, where he learned to play the trumpet in the school's band. Eighteen months later Louis was back home and already dreaming of the life of a musician. He sold newspapers, unloaded boats and sold coal. However, in the evenings Louis played the trumpet with local groups or went to clubs to listen to jazz bands. He soon became friends with one of the greatest musicians of the time, Joe Oliver, who became young Louis's teacher. As Louis's skills developed, he began to perform professionally.

He was soon able to stop working on manual labour jobs and began concentrating full-time on music, playing at parties, dances, and at local cafes. He joined Joe Oliver's band and moved to Chicago. Later, Louis organised his own band and began to record one of the greatest series of songs in the history of jazz. Louis developed a unique style of singing: he could make his voice sound like a musical instrument and he could make an instrument sound like a singer's voice. Louis enjoyed singing improvised melodies and rhythms. Armstrong was an easygoing and communicative person. His fellow musicians called him “Satchelmouth” because of his wide smile. Later, it was shortened to “Satchmo”.

Armstrong's biggest hits came later in his life. In 1964, his version of the song «Hello Dolly» was a top hit around the world. It even replaced a top-selling hit by the hugely popular British group, the Beatles. Three years later, he appeared in the film version of “Hello Dolly” with singer Barbra Streisand. The song “What a Wonderful World”, recorded in 1968, was his final big hit.

Louis Armstrong never finished the fifth grade in school, yet he wrote two books about his life and many stories for magazines. He appeared in more than thirty movies. He composed many jazz pieces. He won several gold records and many other awards. Armstrong performed about three hundred concerts each year, travelling all over the world. He became known as the legend and symbol of jazz.


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Вопрос 17

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск полученным словом.


«Time was running out. The game was exciting and dynamic but the score was still 0-0. Jim couldn't take his eyes off the TV and ___________(NOT HEAR) when his father came into the room.»


Time was running out. The game was exciting and dynamic but the score was still 0-0. Jim couldn't take his eyes off the TV and ___________(NOT HEAR) when his father came into the room. “Who ____________(PLAY)?” he asked. “The Spanish Club and the Portuguese,” Jim ____________(KNOW) that his dad was not a fan and didn't go into details. “Who are you supporting?”

“The Spanish. If the team _____________(MANAGE) to win this game, it'll get to the final.” “They will. The final score will be 2-1 to the Spanish Club.” Jim turned to his dad: “How do you know?”

“It's not me. A colleague of ___________(I) has predicted the results of ten matches. No mistake yet. Today's the __________(TEN) game.” Jim looked at his father again. “Sounds a bit crazy. But if I were able to predict the results of the game...”

“If you were able to predict it, it ____________(NOT BE) interesting to watch football at all. Are you hungry by the way? I ____________(ORDER) some pizza. Will you join me?” “Yes, sure,” Jim turned to his father. “But I still ___________(NOT CAN) understand...” And at that very moment the Spanish forward scored the first goal.


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Вопрос 18

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск полученным словом.


«"Who ____________(PLAY)?" he asked.»


Time was running out. The game was exciting and dynamic but the score was still 0-0. Jim couldn't take his eyes off the TV and ___________(NOT HEAR) when his father came into the room. “Who ____________(PLAY)?” he asked. “The Spanish Club and the Portuguese,” Jim ____________(KNOW) that his dad was not a fan and didn't go into details. “Who are you supporting?”

“The Spanish. If the team _____________(MANAGE) to win this game, it'll get to the final.” “They will. The final score will be 2-1 to the Spanish Club.” Jim turned to his dad: “How do you know?”

“It's not me. A colleague of ___________(I) has predicted the results of ten matches. No mistake yet. Today's the __________(TEN) game.” Jim looked at his father again. “Sounds a bit crazy. But if I were able to predict the results of the game...”

“If you were able to predict it, it ____________(NOT BE) interesting to watch football at all. Are you hungry by the way? I ____________(ORDER) some pizza. Will you join me?” “Yes, sure,” Jim turned to his father. “But I still ___________(NOT CAN) understand...” And at that very moment the Spanish forward scored the first goal.


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Вопрос 19

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск полученным словом.


«"The Spanish Club and the Portuguese," Jim ____________(KNOW) that his dad was not a fan and didn't go into details.»


Time was running out. The game was exciting and dynamic but the score was still 0-0. Jim couldn't take his eyes off the TV and ___________(NOT HEAR) when his father came into the room. “Who ____________(PLAY)?” he asked. “The Spanish Club and the Portuguese,” Jim ____________(KNOW) that his dad was not a fan and didn't go into details. “Who are you supporting?”

“The Spanish. If the team _____________(MANAGE) to win this game, it'll get to the final.” “They will. The final score will be 2-1 to the Spanish Club.” Jim turned to his dad: “How do you know?”

“It's not me. A colleague of ___________(I) has predicted the results of ten matches. No mistake yet. Today's the __________(TEN) game.” Jim looked at his father again. “Sounds a bit crazy. But if I were able to predict the results of the game...”

“If you were able to predict it, it ____________(NOT BE) interesting to watch football at all. Are you hungry by the way? I ____________(ORDER) some pizza. Will you join me?” “Yes, sure,” Jim turned to his father. “But I still ___________(NOT CAN) understand...” And at that very moment the Spanish forward scored the first goal.


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Вопрос 20

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск полученным словом.


«"Who are you supporting?"

"The Spanish. If the team _____________(MANAGE) to win this game, it'll get to the final." "They will. The final score will be 2-1 to the Spanish Club."»


Time was running out. The game was exciting and dynamic but the score was still 0-0. Jim couldn't take his eyes off the TV and ___________(NOT HEAR) when his father came into the room. “Who ____________(PLAY)?” he asked. “The Spanish Club and the Portuguese,” Jim ____________(KNOW) that his dad was not a fan and didn't go into details. “Who are you supporting?”

“The Spanish. If the team _____________(MANAGE) to win this game, it'll get to the final.” “They will. The final score will be 2-1 to the Spanish Club.” Jim turned to his dad: “How do you know?”

“It's not me. A colleague of ___________(I) has predicted the results of ten matches. No mistake yet. Today's the __________(TEN) game.” Jim looked at his father again. “Sounds a bit crazy. But if I were able to predict the results of the game...”

“If you were able to predict it, it ____________(NOT BE) interesting to watch football at all. Are you hungry by the way? I ____________(ORDER) some pizza. Will you join me?” “Yes, sure,” Jim turned to his father. “But I still ___________(NOT CAN) understand...” And at that very moment the Spanish forward scored the first goal.


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Вопрос 21

Про­чи­тай­те при­ведённый ниже текст. Пре­об­ра­зуй­те слово, на­пе­ча­тан­ное за­глав­ны­ми бук­ва­ми в скоб­ках так, чтобы оно грам­ма­ти­че­ски со­от­вет­ство­ва­ло со­дер­жа­нию тек­ста. За­пол­ни­те про­пуск по­лу­чен­ным сло­вом.


«Jim turned to his dad: "How do you know?"

"It's not me. A colleague of ___________(I) has predicted the results of ten matches. ...»


Time was running out. The game was exciting and dynamic but the score was still 0-0. Jim couldn't take his eyes off the TV and ___________(NOT HEAR) when his father came into the room. “Who ____________(PLAY)?” he asked. “The Spanish Club and the Portuguese,” Jim ____________(KNOW) that his dad was not a fan and didn't go into details. “Who are you supporting?”

“The Spanish. If the team _____________(MANAGE) to win this game, it'll get to the final.” “They will. The final score will be 2-1 to the Spanish Club.” Jim turned to his dad: “How do you know?”

“It's not me. A colleague of ___________(I) has predicted the results of ten matches. No mistake yet. Today's the __________(TEN) game.” Jim looked at his father again. “Sounds a bit crazy. But if I were able to predict the results of the game...”

“If you were able to predict it, it ____________(NOT BE) interesting to watch football at all. Are you hungry by the way? I ____________(ORDER) some pizza. Will you join me?” “Yes, sure,” Jim turned to his father. “But I still ___________(NOT CAN) understand...” And at that very moment the Spanish forward scored the first goal.


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Вопрос 22

Про­чи­тай­те при­ведённый ниже текст. Пре­об­ра­зуй­те слово, на­пе­ча­тан­ное за­глав­ны­ми бук­ва­ми в скоб­ках так, чтобы оно грам­ма­ти­че­ски со­от­вет­ство­ва­ло со­дер­жа­нию тек­ста. За­пол­ни­те про­пуск по­лу­чен­ным сло­вом.


«... No mistake yet. Today's the __________(TEN) game."»


Time was running out. The game was exciting and dynamic but the score was still 0-0. Jim couldn't take his eyes off the TV and ___________(NOT HEAR) when his father came into the room. “Who ____________(PLAY)?” he asked. “The Spanish Club and the Portuguese,” Jim ____________(KNOW) that his dad was not a fan and didn't go into details. “Who are you supporting?”

“The Spanish. If the team _____________(MANAGE) to win this game, it'll get to the final.” “They will. The final score will be 2-1 to the Spanish Club.” Jim turned to his dad: “How do you know?”

“It's not me. A colleague of ___________(I) has predicted the results of ten matches. No mistake yet. Today's the __________(TEN) game.” Jim looked at his father again. “Sounds a bit crazy. But if I were able to predict the results of the game...”

“If you were able to predict it, it ____________(NOT BE) interesting to watch football at all. Are you hungry by the way? I ____________(ORDER) some pizza. Will you join me?” “Yes, sure,” Jim turned to his father. “But I still ___________(NOT CAN) understand...” And at that very moment the Spanish forward scored the first goal.


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Вопрос 23

Про­чи­тай­те при­ведённый ниже текст. Пре­об­ра­зуй­те слово, на­пе­ча­тан­ное за­глав­ны­ми бук­ва­ми в скоб­ках так, чтобы оно грам­ма­ти­че­ски со­от­вет­ство­ва­ло со­дер­жа­нию тек­ста. За­пол­ни­те про­пуск по­лу­чен­ным сло­вом.


«Jim looked at his father again. "Sounds a bit crazy. But if I were able to predict the results of the game..."

"If you were able to predict it, it ____________(NOT BE) interesting to watch football at all. ...»


Time was running out. The game was exciting and dynamic but the score was still 0-0. Jim couldn't take his eyes off the TV and ___________(NOT HEAR) when his father came into the room. “Who ____________(PLAY)?” he asked. “The Spanish Club and the Portuguese,” Jim ____________(KNOW) that his dad was not a fan and didn't go into details. “Who are you supporting?”

“The Spanish. If the team _____________(MANAGE) to win this game, it'll get to the final.” “They will. The final score will be 2-1 to the Spanish Club.” Jim turned to his dad: “How do you know?”

“It's not me. A colleague of ___________(I) has predicted the results of ten matches. No mistake yet. Today's the __________(TEN) game.” Jim looked at his father again. “Sounds a bit crazy. But if I were able to predict the results of the game...”

“If you were able to predict it, it ____________(NOT BE) interesting to watch football at all. Are you hungry by the way? I ____________(ORDER) some pizza. Will you join me?” “Yes, sure,” Jim turned to his father. “But I still ___________(NOT CAN) understand...” And at that very moment the Spanish forward scored the first goal.


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Вопрос 24

Про­чи­тай­те при­ведённый ниже текст. Пре­об­ра­зуй­те слово, на­пе­ча­тан­ное за­глав­ны­ми бук­ва­ми в скоб­ках так, чтобы оно грам­ма­ти­че­ски со­от­вет­ство­ва­ло со­дер­жа­нию тек­ста. За­пол­ни­те про­пуск по­лу­чен­ным сло­вом.


«... Are you hungry by the way? I ____________(ORDER) some pizza. Will you join me?"»


Time was running out. The game was exciting and dynamic but the score was still 0-0. Jim couldn't take his eyes off the TV and ___________(NOT HEAR) when his father came into the room. “Who ____________(PLAY)?” he asked. “The Spanish Club and the Portuguese,” Jim ____________(KNOW) that his dad was not a fan and didn't go into details. “Who are you supporting?”

“The Spanish. If the team _____________(MANAGE) to win this game, it'll get to the final.” “They will. The final score will be 2-1 to the Spanish Club.” Jim turned to his dad: “How do you know?”

“It's not me. A colleague of ___________(I) has predicted the results of ten matches. No mistake yet. Today's the __________(TEN) game.” Jim looked at his father again. “Sounds a bit crazy. But if I were able to predict the results of the game...”

“If you were able to predict it, it ____________(NOT BE) interesting to watch football at all. Are you hungry by the way? I ____________(ORDER) some pizza. Will you join me?” “Yes, sure,” Jim turned to his father. “But I still ___________(NOT CAN) understand...” And at that very moment the Spanish forward scored the first goal.


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Вопрос 25

Про­чи­тай­те при­ведённый ниже текст. Пре­об­ра­зуй­те слово, на­пе­ча­тан­ное за­глав­ны­ми бук­ва­ми в скоб­ках так, чтобы оно грам­ма­ти­че­ски со­от­вет­ство­ва­ло со­дер­жа­нию тек­ста. За­пол­ни­те про­пуск по­лу­чен­ным сло­вом.


«"Yes, sure," Jim turned to his father. "But I still ___________(NOT CAN) understand..." And at that very moment the Spanish forward scored the first goal.»


Time was running out. The game was exciting and dynamic but the score was still 0-0. Jim couldn't take his eyes off the TV and ___________(NOT HEAR) when his father came into the room. “Who ____________(PLAY)?” he asked. “The Spanish Club and the Portuguese,” Jim ____________(KNOW) that his dad was not a fan and didn't go into details. “Who are you supporting?”

“The Spanish. If the team _____________(MANAGE) to win this game, it'll get to the final.” “They will. The final score will be 2-1 to the Spanish Club.” Jim turned to his dad: “How do you know?”

“It's not me. A colleague of ___________(I) has predicted the results of ten matches. No mistake yet. Today's the __________(TEN) game.” Jim looked at his father again. “Sounds a bit crazy. But if I were able to predict the results of the game...”

“If you were able to predict it, it ____________(NOT BE) interesting to watch football at all. Are you hungry by the way? I ____________(ORDER) some pizza. Will you join me?” “Yes, sure,” Jim turned to his father. “But I still ___________(NOT CAN) understand...” And at that very moment the Spanish forward scored the first goal.


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Вопрос 26

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск полученным словом.


«Have you heard of a Tadeus Bodnar? He is a __________________(FAME) Hungarian hairdresser.»


Have you heard of a Tadeus Bodnar? He is a __________________(FAME) Hungarian hairdresser. Not long ago he stopped using the __________________(TRADITION) scissors and comb. Now his instruments are axes, irons and vacuum cleaners. Now he is very __________________(SUCCESS) and happy because with his innovative techniques he can express himself better. He cuts hair in his shop in Budapest by chopping it with an axe. Then he styles the hair using a vacuum cleaner, or straightens it with an iron. It’s difficult to believe but the extravagant hairdresser is very popular. Many people find him very __________________(CREATE). Every day there’s an __________________(END) line of people streaming to his shop. They wish to change their __________________(APPEAR) and have a thrilling, new experience.


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Вопрос 27

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск полученным словом.


«Not long ago he stopped using the __________________(TRADITION) scissors and comb. Now his instruments are axes, irons and vacuum cleaners.»


Have you heard of a Tadeus Bodnar? He is a __________________(FAME) Hungarian hairdresser. Not long ago he stopped using the __________________(TRADITION) scissors and comb. Now his instruments are axes, irons and vacuum cleaners. Now he is very __________________(SUCCESS) and happy because with his innovative techniques he can express himself better. He cuts hair in his shop in Budapest by chopping it with an axe. Then he styles the hair using a vacuum cleaner, or straightens it with an iron. It’s difficult to believe but the extravagant hairdresser is very popular. Many people find him very __________________(CREATE). Every day there’s an __________________(END) line of people streaming to his shop. They wish to change their __________________(APPEAR) and have a thrilling, new experience.


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Вопрос 28

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск полученным словом.


«Now he is very __________________(SUCCESS) and happy because with his innovative techniques he can express himself better.»


Have you heard of a Tadeus Bodnar? He is a __________________(FAME) Hungarian hairdresser. Not long ago he stopped using the __________________(TRADITION) scissors and comb. Now his instruments are axes, irons and vacuum cleaners. Now he is very __________________(SUCCESS) and happy because with his innovative techniques he can express himself better. He cuts hair in his shop in Budapest by chopping it with an axe. Then he styles the hair using a vacuum cleaner, or straightens it with an iron. It’s difficult to believe but the extravagant hairdresser is very popular. Many people find him very __________________(CREATE). Every day there’s an __________________(END) line of people streaming to his shop. They wish to change their __________________(APPEAR) and have a thrilling, new experience.


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Вопрос 29

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск полученным словом.


«He cuts hair in his shop in Budapest by chopping it with an axe. Then he styles the hair using a vacuum cleaner, or straightens it with an iron. It’s difficult to believe but the extravagant hairdresser is very popular. Many people find him very __________________(CREATE).»


Have you heard of a Tadeus Bodnar? He is a __________________(FAME) Hungarian hairdresser. Not long ago he stopped using the __________________(TRADITION) scissors and comb. Now his instruments are axes, irons and vacuum cleaners. Now he is very __________________(SUCCESS) and happy because with his innovative techniques he can express himself better. He cuts hair in his shop in Budapest by chopping it with an axe. Then he styles the hair using a vacuum cleaner, or straightens it with an iron. It’s difficult to believe but the extravagant hairdresser is very popular. Many people find him very __________________(CREATE). Every day there’s an __________________(END) line of people streaming to his shop. They wish to change their __________________(APPEAR) and have a thrilling, new experience.


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Вопрос 30

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск полученным словом.


«Every day there’s an __________________(END) line of people streaming to his shop.»


Have you heard of a Tadeus Bodnar? He is a __________________(FAME) Hungarian hairdresser. Not long ago he stopped using the __________________(TRADITION) scissors and comb. Now his instruments are axes, irons and vacuum cleaners. Now he is very __________________(SUCCESS) and happy because with his innovative techniques he can express himself better. He cuts hair in his shop in Budapest by chopping it with an axe. Then he styles the hair using a vacuum cleaner, or straightens it with an iron. It’s difficult to believe but the extravagant hairdresser is very popular. Many people find him very __________________(CREATE). Every day there’s an __________________(END) line of people streaming to his shop. They wish to change their __________________(APPEAR) and have a thrilling, new experience.


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Вопрос 31

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск полученным словом.


«They wish to change their __________________(APPEAR) and have a thrilling, new experience.»


Have you heard of a Tadeus Bodnar? He is a __________________(FAME) Hungarian hairdresser. Not long ago he stopped using the __________________(TRADITION) scissors and comb. Now his instruments are axes, irons and vacuum cleaners. Now he is very __________________(SUCCESS) and happy because with his innovative techniques he can express himself better. He cuts hair in his shop in Budapest by chopping it with an axe. Then he styles the hair using a vacuum cleaner, or straightens it with an iron. It’s difficult to believe but the extravagant hairdresser is very popular. Many people find him very __________________(CREATE). Every day there’s an __________________(END) line of people streaming to his shop. They wish to change their __________________(APPEAR) and have a thrilling, new experience.


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Вопрос 32

You have 30 minutes to do this task. You have received a letter from your English–speaking pen friend Ben.



...We normally share all the chores around the house. But it often happens that nobody has time for household jobs and the house looks really messy and untidy...

...Which of your weekdays is the busiest, and why? What do you do at home to help your family? What are your plans for the coming weekend?...



Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions. Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.


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Вопрос 33

You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.


Wombats are exotic animals that only live in Australia. They have become an unofficial symbol of the country. In 1974 a wombat appeared on an Australian stamp for the first time. Since then it has been regularly used on different Australian stamps and coins. Wombats look like little bears and prefer grass to meat. They also love eating berries, plant roots and mushrooms. Like camels, wombats drink little water because there is enough water in fresh grass. Wombats spend most of their life in holes under the ground. With their strong arms and long nails they are able to dig very long and complex tunnels. Fortunately, wombats have few enemies in the animal world. Most wombats live around 15 years.


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Вопрос 34

Task 2 (2–3 minutes)


You play the part of a student in an international language school. You are going to have a Halloween party this Saturday but you don’t know much about Halloween. You know that your classmate Sophie/Sebastian has a book on Halloween traditions. You come to Sophie’s/Sebastian’s room.


• Explain the situation and ask if you can borrow the book.

• Answer your classmate’s questions about holidays.

• Answer the questions about travelling.

• Reject your classmate’s invitation. Give an excuse.


You begin the conversation. The examiner will play the part of your classmate.

Remember to

1. mention all the four aspects of the task.

2. take an active part in the conversation and be polite.

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Вопрос 35

You are going to give a talk about the school. You will have to start in 1,5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences). Remember to say:


— what school you go to;

— how many days a week you go to school and how many lessons a day you have;

— what your favourite subject is;

— what extra subjects should be studied at school.


You have to talk continuously.


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