Раздел 1. Аудирование
Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A–F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1–7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды.
1. Writing Valentines has a very long history.
2. It’s another time to spend money.
3. Valentines make a big business.
4. There’s always something against the Day.
5. It’s a traditional Valentine’s Day present and no one should spare money for it.
6. Its traditions tend to fade.
7. Even journalists need information about Valentine’s Day.
Говорящий | A | B | C | D | E | F |
Утверждение |
Ваш ответ:
Вы пропустили вопрос
Правильный ответ:
2 , 5 , 1 , 3 , 4 , 7
Полученные баллы: 0
Раздел 1. Аудирование
Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.
A. The tourist has never been to Russia.
B. The tourist wants to see both Moscow and Saint Petersburg.
C. The tourist loves evening excursions.
D. The manager thinks Saint Basil’s Cathedral isn’t worth seeing.
E. The tourist will have some time for shopping in Moscow.
F. The tourist hopes to visit a show in the State Kremlin Palace.
G. The tourist wants to buy a tour straight away.
Запишите в ответ цифры, расположив их в порядке, соответствующем буквам:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
Ваш ответ:
Вы пропустили вопрос
Правильный ответ:
1 , 2 , 3 , 2 , 1 , 3 , 1
Полученные баллы: 0
Вы услышите рассказ. В заданиях 3—9 впишите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа в поле ответа ниже. Вы услышите запись дважды.
3.Which of the following is TRUE about Jerry Lewis?
1) He has been living in Salisbury for 44 years.
2) He teaches English to foreign students.
3) He doesn’t have a wife.
4.Jerry Lewis teaches in a …
1) primary school.
2) secondary modern school.
3) grammar school.
5.Jerry’s extra-curricular work includes…
1) training school runners’ team.
2) writing plays for annual performances.
3) providing evening courses for parents.
6.The latest play Jerry’s students performed was written by …
1) Shakespeare.
2) Robert Lois Stevenson.
3) themselves.
7.Which of the following does Jerry Lewis like to do in his spare time?
1) Sightseeing in Salisbury.
2) Shopping.
3) Cooking.
8.Some of the friends Jerry meets in the old pub are …
1) his former students.
2) parents of his pupils.
3) his colleagues.
9.What does Jerry like most about his life in Salisbury?
1) The history of the city.
2) His work.
3) Meeting his friends.
Ваш ответ:
Вы пропустили вопрос
Правильный ответ:
3 , 2 , 1 , 3 , 3 , 1 , 2
Полученные баллы: 0
Раздел 2. Чтение
Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.
1. Perm’s industry
2. City’s cultural life
3. Natural resource as attraction
4. The greatest achievement
5. Traditionally liberal
6. Beneficial location
7. Where the name comes from
8. Too important to be left alone
A. The word “Perm” first appeared in the 12th century in the Primary Chronicle, the main source describing the early history of the Russian people. The Perm were listed among the people who paid tribute to the Rus. The origin of the word “Perm” remains unclear. Most likely, the word came from the Finno-Ugric languages and meant “far land” or “flat, forested place”. But some local residents say it may have come from Per, a hero and the main character of many local legends.
B. Novgorodian traders were the first to show an interest in Perm. Starting from the 15th century, the Muscovite princes included the area in their plans to create a unified Russian state. During this time the first Russian villages appeared in the northern part of the region. The first industry to appear in the area was a salt factory, which developed on the Usolka river in the city of Solikamsk. Rich salt reserves generated great interest on the part of Russia’s wealthiest merchants, some of whom bought land there.
C. The history of the modern city of Perm starts with the development of the Ural region by Tsar Peter the Great. Perm became the capital of the region in 1781 when the territorial structure of the country was reformed. A special commission determined that the best place would be at the crossroads of the Trans-Siberian Railroad, which runs east-west and the Kazan line, which runs north-south. This choice resulted in Perm becoming a major trade and industrial centre. The city quickly grew to become one of the biggest in the region.
D. Perm is generally stable and peaceful, so the shocks of 1917 did not reach it right away. Neither did they have the same bloody results as in Petrograd. Perm tried to distance itself from the excesses and did not share the enthusiasm
for change of its neighbours. Residents supported more moderate parties. They voted for the establishment of a west European style democracy in Russia. Unfortunately, the city could not stay completely unaffected, as both the White
and the Red armies wanted its factories.
E. Perm’s desire for stability and self-control made the region seem like a “swamp” during the democratic reforms of the 1990s. Unlike other regions, there were no intense social conflicts or strikes. Nevertheless, Perm was always among the regions that supported the democratic movement. In the 1999 elections, the party that wanted to continue the reforms won a majority in the region. So the city got an unofficial status of “the capital of civil society” or even “the capital of Russian liberalism”.
F. During the Second World War many factories were moved to Perm Oblast and continued to work there after it ended. Chemicals, non-ferrous metallurgy, and oil refining were the key industries after the war. Other factories produced
aircraft engines, equipment for telephones, ships, bicycles, and cable. Perm press produces about 70 percent of Russia’s currency and stamped envelopes. Nowadays several major business companies are located in Perm. The biggest players of Russian aircraft industry are among them.
G. Perm has at least a dozen theatres featuring productions that are attracting audiences from faraway cities, and even from abroad. The broad esplanade running from the city’s main square has become the site of almost continuous
international art, theatre and music fairs during the summer. Even the former prison camp with grim walls outside town was converted into a theater last July for a production of “Fidelio”, Beethoven’s opera about political repression. The performance was well-reviewed.
Текст | A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
Заголовок |
Ваш ответ:
Вы пропустили вопрос
Правильный ответ:
7 , 3 , 6 , 8 , 5 , 1 , 2
Полученные баллы: 0
Раздел 2. Чтение
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 — лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.
The science of sound, or acoustics, as it is often called, has been made over radically within a comparatively short space of time. Not so long ago the lectures on sound in colleges and high schools dealt chiefly with the vibrations of such things as the air columns in organ pipes. Nowadays, however, thanks chiefly to a number of electronic instruments engineers can study sounds as effectively A______ . The result has been a new approach to research in sound. Scientists have been able to make far-reaching discoveries in many fields of acoustics B ______ .
Foremost among the instruments that have revolutionized the study of acoustics are electronic sound-level meters also known as sound meters and sound-intensity meters. These are effective devices that first convert sound waves into weak electric signals, then amplify the signals through electronic means C ______ . The intensity of a sound is measured in units called decibels. “Zero” sound is the faintest sound D ______ . The decibel measures the ratio of the intensity of a given sound to the standard “zero” sound. The decibel scale ranges from 0 to 130. An intensity of 130 decibels is perceived not only as a sound, but also E ______ . The normal range of painlessly audible sounds for the average human ear is about 120 decibels. For forms of life other than ourselves, the range can be quite different.
The ordinary sound meter measures the intensity of a given sound, rather than its actual loudness. Under most conditions, however, it is a quite good indicator of loudness. Probably the loudest known noise ever heard by human ears was that of the explosive eruption in August, 1883, of the volcano of Krakatoa in the East Indies. No electronic sound meters, of course, were in existence then, but physicists estimate that the sound at its source must have had an intensity of 190 decibels, F ______ .
1. and finally measure them.
2. since it was heard 3,000 miles away.
3. and they have been able to put many of these discoveries to practical use.
4. that loud sound is of high intensity.
5. as they study mechanical forces.
6. as a painful sensation in the ear.
7. that the unaided human ear can detect.
Пропуск | A | B | C | D | E | F |
Часть предложения |
Ваш ответ:
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Правильный ответ:
5 , 3 , 1 , 7 , 6 , 2
Полученные баллы: 0
Раздел 2. Чтение
Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании выберите цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, впишите её в соответствующее поле внизу страницы.
Lily and I had planned a movie marathon weekend. I was exhausted from work and she was stressed out from her classes, so we’d promised to spend the whole weekend parked on her couch and subsist solely on pizza and crisps. No healthy food. No diet Coke. And absolutely no strict, official clothes. Even though we talked all the time, we hadn’t spent any real time together since I’d moved to the city.
We’d been friends since the eighth grade, when I first saw Lily crying alone at a cafeteria table. She’d just moved in with her grandmother and started at our school in Avon, after it became clear that her parents weren’t coming home any time soon. The day I found her crying alone in the cafeteria was the day her grandmother had forced her to chop off her dirty dreadlocks, and Lily was not very happy about it. Something about the way she talked, the way she said, “That’s so nice of you,” and “Let’s just forget about it”, charmed me, and we immediately became friends. We’d been inseparable through the rest of high school, and lived in the same room for all four years at Brown College. Lily hadn’t yet decided whether she preferred girlish dresses or rough leather jackets, but we complemented each other well. And I missed her. Because with her first year as a graduate student and my exhausting work, we hadn’t seen a whole lot of each other lately.
Lily was studying for her Ph.D. in Russian Literature at Columbia University and working odd jobs every free second she wasn’t studying. Her grandmother barely had enough money to support herself, and Lily had to pay for the studies on her own. However, she seemed to be fond of such a way of life. She loved Russian culture ever since her eighth-grade teacher told her that Lily looked how he had always pictured Lolita, with her round face and curly black hair. She went directly home and read Nabokov’s “Lolita”, and then read everything else Nabokov wrote. And Tolstoy. And Gogol. And Chekhov. By the time we finished school, she was applying to Brown College to work with a specific professor who had a degree in Russian Literature. On interviewing a seventeen-year-old Lily the professor declared her one of the most well- read and passionate students of Russian literature he’d ever met. She still loved it, still studied Russian grammar and could read anything in its original.
I couldn’t wait for the weekend. My fourteen-hour workdays were registering in my feet, my upper arms, and my lower back. Glasses had replaced the contacts I’d worn for a decade because my eyes were too dry and tired to accept them anymore. I’d begun losing weight already as I never had time to eat properly, although I was drinking an enormous amount of coffee. I’d already weathered a flue infection and had paled significantly, and it had been only four weeks. I was only twenty-three years old. And my boss hadn’t even been in the office yet. I knew I deserved a weekend.
Saturday afternoon found us particularly motivated, and we managed to saunter round the city center for a few hours. We each bought some new clothes for the upcoming New Year’s party and had a mug of hot chocolate from a sidewalk cafii. By the time we made it back to her apartment, we were exhausted and happy and spent the rest of the night watching old movies and eating pizza.
12.What did the girls hope to do that weekend?
1) Talk all the weekend.
2) Have some more studies that weekend.
3) Go to the cinema.
4) Have a quiet weekend in.
13.When the girl first met her friend, Lily
1) lived with her parents.
2) visited her grandmother.
3) just came to live in Avon.
4) had just lost her parents.
14.Lily was crying when the girl first met her because
1) she missed her parents.
2) her grandmother didn’t like the way she talked.
3) she had to wear clothes she didn’t like.
4) her grandmother had cut her hair short.
15.Why did the girl become friends with Lily?
1) She liked Lily’s dress.
2) She became fascinated with her.
3) They had common problems.
4) She wanted to comfort her.
16. “We complemented each other well” in paragraph 2 means that they
1) were a perfect match.
2) liked the same things.
3) supported each other.
4) found a common language.
17. Why did Lily have to do some occasional jobs?
1) She had to pay for her studies.
2) She had to support her grandmother.
3) She liked to change jobs.
4) She spent a lot on her clothes.
18. The girl “couldn’t wait for the weekend” because she
1) wanted to eat properly at last.
2) needed to get well after a flue infection.
3) wanted Lily to have a break from her studies.
4) needed a rest from her job.
Ваш ответ:
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Правильный ответ:
3 , 4 , 2 , 1 , 1 , 4
Полученные баллы: 0
Прочитайте приведённые ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните поля ответа полученными словами в соответствующем порядке.
Everybody knows that Christopher Columbus discovered America. However, America ______ after Amerigo Vespucci who explored the eastern coast of South America.
Was he really the first to reach the continent? The great Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdal believed that ancient people ______ able to build boats that could cross oceans.
To test his ideas, Heyerdal decided to build a copy of an ancient Egyptian boat. On May 25, 1969 the boat called Ra ______ a port in Morocco.
On May 17, 1970 Ra with two ______ on board successfully crossed the Atlantic, proving that ancient civilizations had enough skill to reach America long before Columbus.
Ваш ответ:
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Правильный ответ:
wasnamed , were , left , seamen
Полученные баллы: 0
Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните поля ответа полученными словами в соответствующем порядке.
Labor Day is a holiday in honor of workers. On September 5, 188 8 the______ Labor Day parade was held in New York.
20,000 workers marched up Broadway, ______ banners “Labor creates all wealth”. After the parade, there were picnics all around the city.
The next year even ______ people took part in the celebration. In 1894, Congress made it a national holiday. Today most Americans consider Labor Day the end of the summer. They enjoy the last three-day weekend on the beaches and in the parks.
Ваш ответ:
Вы пропустили вопрос
Правильный ответ:
first , carrying , more
Полученные баллы: 0
Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните поля ответа полученными словами в соответствующем порядке.
Today children love to buy pens and pencils which come in all shapes and colours in stationary shops. But in early
_______________ schools students used a quill pen and ink to write. Since these schools did not have many supplies, children often had to make their own ink at home.
There were many _______________ ways to make ink. One of the most common ways was to use berries such as
blackberries, cherries or strawberries, depending on the color of ink a student wanted.
Berries were gathered and then crushed with the help of a __________________ spoon. Their juice was strained into a bowl, after which salt and vinegar were added to it.
__________________, the juice was stored in a small jar with a tight-fitting lid.
Bright and __________________ inks were not the only kinds of ink that students made.
They also made __________________ and glow-in-the-dark inks.
Ваш ответ:
Вы пропустили вопрос
Правильный ответ:
American , creative , wooden , Finally , colourful , invisible
Полученные баллы: 0
Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика
Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32-38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32-38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Вставьте номер выбранного вами варианта ответа в соответствующее поле внизу страницы.
Let me tell you what happened once when my dear Uncle Podger decided to hang a picture on the wall. He told us not to 32 ______ and just watch him do it. He said he would do it by himself. Well, he came up to the picture which was waiting to be put up in the dining room and took it. But suddenly it fell down and the glass 33 ______ into pieces and he cut his finger. He started to 34 ______ his handker chief but couldn’t find it because he had put it in his coat and none of us knew where his coat was.
‘Six of you!’ Uncle Podger exclaimed, ‘and you cannot find the coat that I put down only five minutes ago!’ But then he got up from his chair and found that he had been sitting on his coat the whole time. ‘Oh, you can stop your 35 ______ . I’ve found it myself!’
Then after an hour was spent in tying up his finger Uncle Podger wondered where the hammer had disappeared to. And while everybody was trying to get the hammer he was standing on the chair saying: ‘Well, I want to know if you are going to 36 ______ me here all evening!’
Finally the hammer was found, but we noticed that the nail which he had prepared was lost. And, of course, Uncle Podger didn’t keep 37 ______ while he was waiting for another nail to be brought. We heard all he had to say about our habit of losing all the things he needed.
When the picture was hanging on the wall at last, everybody looked very 38 ______ , all except Uncle Podg er, who was lively as ever. Aunt Maria remarked that if Uncle Podger wanted to do a job like that again, she would spend a week with her mother until it was over.
1) scare
2) disturb
3) worry
4) fear
1) failed
2) broke
3) ruined
4) fell
1) look at
2) look to
3) look after
4) look for
1) search
2) investigation
3) exploration
4) study
1) stay
2) keep
3) put
4) take
1) dumb
2) cool
3) still
4) silent
1) dull
2) tired
3) angry
4) boring
Ваш ответ:
Вы пропустили вопрос
Правильный ответ:
3 , 2 , 4 , 1 , 2 , 4 , 2
Полученные баллы: 0
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Joan who writes:
… When I forget to take an umbrella in summer, it always rains. What’s the weather like in summer where you live? What do you usually do when it rains? How do you protect yourself from bad weather?
I bought new shoes two days ago, but now I think I should take them back to the store ...
Write a letter to Nancy.
In your letter
- answer her questions
- ask 3 questions about her new shoes
Write 100–140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
Пожалуйста, сравните полученный Вами ответ с ответом, указанным во вкладке "пояснение". Укажите баллы самостоятельно, руководствуясь критериями оценивания выполнения задания.
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Правильный ответ:
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
Полученные баллы: 0
Выберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных высказываний и выразите своё мнение по предложенной проблеме согласно данному плану.
Comment on one of the following statements.
1. The Internet is the greatest time-waster.
2. Some people think that in the future traditional shops will disappear and all shopping will be on line with home delivery.
What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200–250 words. Use the following plan:
− make an introduction (state the problem)
− express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion
− express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion
− explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
− make a conclusion restating your position
Пожалуйста, сравните полученный Вами ответ с ответом, указанным во вкладке "пояснение". Укажите баллы самостоятельно, руководствуясь критериями оценивания выполнения задания.
Ваш ответ:
Вы пропустили вопрос
Правильный ответ:
6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14
Полученные баллы: 0
Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.
Spencer was an engineer, philosopher and psychologist, who in his day was as famous as Darwin. He first coined the phrase ‘survival of the fittest’. Darwin paid him the compliment of using it himself. Herbert was the eldest of nine children, all the rest of whom died in infancy. Trained as a civil engineer, he became a philosopher, psychologist, sociologist, economist and inventor. He sold more than a million books in his lifetime and was the first to apply evolutionary theory to psychology, philosophy and the study of society. He also invented the paperclip. The device was called Spencer’s Binding Pin and was produced on a modified hook-and-eye machine. It did well in its first year, but demand dried up. During the Second World War, paperclips were an emotive symbol of Norwegian resistance to the German occupation. A giant paperclip was later erected in Oslo. |
Пожалуйста, сравните полученный Вами ответ с ответом, указанным во вкладке "пояснение". Укажите баллы самостоятельно, руководствуясь критериями оценивания выполнения задания.
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Study the advertisement.
You are considering using the real estate agent services and you'd like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:
1) if there special offers
2) all services that he provides
3) online consulting service
4) duration of the meeting
5) number of clients per day
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
Пожалуйста, сравните полученный Вами ответ с ответом, указанным во вкладке "пояснение". Укажите баллы самостоятельно, руководствуясь критериями оценивания выполнения задания.
Ваш ответ:
Вы пропустили вопрос
Правильный ответ:
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
Полученные баллы: 0
These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend.
You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:
• where and when the photo was taken
• what/who is in the photo
• what is happening
• why you keep the photo in your album
• why you decided to show the picture to your friend
You have to talk continuously, starting with: “I’ve chosen photo number …”
Пожалуйста, сравните полученный Вами ответ с ответом, указанным во вкладке "пояснение". Укажите баллы самостоятельно, руководствуясь критериями оценивания выполнения задания.
Ваш ответ:
Вы пропустили вопрос
Правильный ответ:
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7
Полученные баллы: 0
Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:
• give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
• say what the pictures have in common
• say in what way the pictures are different
• say what kind of transport presented on the photos you prefer
• explain why
You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.
Высказывание должно быть логично; содержать вступительную и заключительную фразы, соответствующие теме. Средства логической связи должны быть использованы верно. Необходимо избегать необоснованных пауз в речи, верно расставлять ударения, правильно использовать интонацию, не нарушать нормы произношения слов.
In photo number one, we can see two cyclists. They are obviously professional sportsmen. They are taking part in some competition and going on the road somewhere near the ocean and mountains. The view is very beautiful. In the second picture I can see four bikers going by a highway.
Both of the pictures are related to transport. In both photos there is a road and people on it. The surroundings on these two pictures are similar as well. All of the characters in these photos are wearing helmets and riding a two-wheel transport. The difference is that bicycles have pedals while bikes move with the engine and bikers don’t have to move their legs.
As for me, I prefer bicycles because it’s more of a healthy and ecological type of transport. And when you ride a bicycle you are doing sport. Moreover, motobikes are to loud for me. And they are too brutal as well.
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Правильный ответ:
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7
Полученные баллы: 0