Русский язык (Определение главной информации текста)

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Вопрос №1

Раздел 1 (задания по аудированию)

Вы два раза услышите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А, В, С, DУстановите соответствие между диалогами и местами, где они происходят: к каждому диалогу подберите соответствующее место действия, обозначенное цифрами. Используйте каждое место действия из списка 1-5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место действия.

1. In a hotel

2. In a student’s accommodation office

3. In a tourist agency

4. At a station

5. At university

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Правильный ответ:

3 , 2 , 5 , 1

Полученные баллы: 0

Вопрос №2

Раздел 1 (задания по аудированию)

Вы два раза услышите пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А, В, С, D, Е. Установите соответствие между высказываниями и утверждениями из следующего списка: к каждому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифрами. Используйте каждое утверждение из списка 1-6 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение

1. The speaker thinks that fashion magazines misinform their readers.

2. Fashion is not important for the speaker.

3. The speaker thinks fashion magazines are best reading on journeys.

4. The speaker thinks designer clothes are not suitable for wearing every day.

5. The speaker thinks that reading fashion magazines is the silliest thing one can do.

6. The speaker likes seeing photos of beautiful women in fashion magazines.

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3 , 2 , 5 , 4 , 6

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Вопрос №3-8

Раздел 1 (задания по аудированию)

Вы услышите разговор двух подростков. В заданиях 3-8 в поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

3.The deadline for Theresa’s project is

1) in a couple of weeks.

2) in a week.

3) in two days.

4.The topic of Frank project is about

1) means of transportation.

2) violence on television.

3) the amount of hours people spend on television.

5.Most people agree that

1) no action needs to be taken.

2) children take violent behaviour as a role model.

3) there isn’t too much violence on television.

6.Most people think that violent scenes

1) should be banned.

2) should be shown at any time.

3) should be shown after children are asleep.

7.Theresa thinks that Frank’s results may be incorrect because

1) all the respondents are very young.

2) all the respondents have too much in common.

3) all the respondents are too different.

8.In the interview Theresa is going to use

1) only simple questions.

2) multiple choice questions.

3) only short questions.

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Правильный ответ:

1 , 2 , 2 , 3 , 2 , 2

Полученные баллы: 0

Вопрос №9

Раздел 2. (задания по чтению)

Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами А-Gподберите соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный цифрами 1-8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок. 

1. Colours that tell

2. Dressing up

3. The power of goodbye

4. Judging by appearances

5. Be polite

6. Indicating movements

7. Useful advice

8. Overall impression

A.It may seem strange that it should be like this but when you have an interview, your education, knowledge and experience may be less important than the impression you make on the people interviewing you. Experts say that it doesn’t take long to create a really good or bad impression, some estimate it’s a few seconds. Many employers check perspective employees for what they call professionalism: this often includes appearance - so make sure you have washed your hair, cleaned your shoes and are wearing the right sort of clothes.

B.Remember the interviewers must have liked your application, so you only have to live up to their expectations! Before you go into the interview room, take a deep breath. If you think about something nice that brings you a feeling of happiness then you will smile, and give an impression of confidence. Make sure that you take all the right papers with you - if you forget something, you could look unprofessional. If they ask why you left your last job, don’t give a long explanation.

C.When the interview is over, remember that people from the company may still be assessing you even after you have left the interview room. So don’t forget to say goodbye to the receptionist or anyone else you spoke to when you arrived. The people of the company may watch how you behave and communicate as you can become the member of the staff. Ignoring someone might cost you the job you have tried so hard to get.

D.The colours you choose to wear may also contribute to the overall impression you make. Colour analysts tell us that people wearing red clothes are showing that they have confidence while wearing yellow shows openness. If you choose to wear green, this tells people you’re compassionate, while the colour orange conveys happiness. However, you might not want to go along to a job interview dressed in all the bright colours, and you will probably choose something more neutral: such as brown, grey, and black.

E.Try to move in certain way at an interview - how you move your body or how you sit can indicate what kind of person you are - for example, a certain attitude can make you appear to be shy, or conversely, dependable and honest. It is important to avoid any kind of defensive movements, because doing things like not making eye-contact, or crossing your arms, can seem to be very negative. There are other things that can give bad impression too, such as turning your body away from the person you’re talking to, or constantly touching your clothing or jewellery.

F.Do you know what 80-90 per cent of candidates never remember to do when they go into the interview room? The answer is smile! So make you eye-contact with the person you’re going to talk to and smile as soon as you enter the room but follow the interviewer’s lead on whether or not to shake hands. Wait to be told where to sit and do not use first names unless the interviewer expects you to.

G.First impressions are vital. For many employers, neat and tidy hair and smart clothes are as important as qualifications. What factors contribute to that vital first impression? It varies a lot according to our culture. For example, in the United States tall people are considered more reliable and serious in business. In many cultures physically attractive people are thought of as warmer, kinder, more sociable and even more intelligent.

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8 , 7 , 3 , 1 , 6 , 5 , 4

Полученные баллы: 0

Вопрос №10-17

Раздел 2. (задания по чтению)

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений 10-17 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 - TRUE), какие не соответствуют (2 - FALSE) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 - NOT STATED). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа.

Boomerang Kids

Leaving school or college used to mean leaving home for good - but no longer. High property prices, student debt, and broken relationships mean that your child is highly likely to return home several times before finally making a go of it on their own.

A survey last year for the Social Market Foundation revealed that one in four people aged between 20 and 30 said they had gone back twice or more since leaving home. One in eight had returned home more than three times! Perhaps unsurprisingly, the survey of 1,044 people showed that men were more likely to do this than women - 28 per cent of men, as opposed to 18 per cent of women.

Suzie Hayman, counsellor, broadcaster, and author says that, while high property prices and student debt are both compelling factors pushing twenty-somethings back into the arms of their parents, it's not the whole story. She believes that many parents have brought this situation on themselves by not bringing their children up to be independent. She feels that mothers are often guilty of this with sons, doing all their washing, cooking, and clearing up into adulthood, leaving them ill-equipped for a life on their own. Today's children are driven everywhere and generally expect everything to come easily. Little wonder, then, that they race back to the security of home when things don't go well in the outside world.

Despite this, most parents don't dread having their children return home - far from it. Many may secretly be delighted, because the child's departure may have revealed glaring holes in their relationship with each other. Other parents are keen for children to return because it makes them feel more valued. Often parents find it quite tough to go from being the whole wqrld to their child to suddenly becoming unnecessary when they leave home. On the other hand, it can be enormously frustrating for parents, who may have only just adjusted to having an adult relationship again, to find themselves sharing their home with another adult -who insists on behaving as if they were still a child.

10.Children often return to live with their parents because they can't afford to rent or buy a place to live.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

11.Young people tend to return home more than twice.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

12.The majority of people who come back home to live with their parents are female.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

13.According to research, the majority of men in their twenties return home to live with their parents.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

14.Suzie Hayman believes that for many parents it is their own fault that their children return home to live.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

15.Mothers are the ones who are to blame that their sons are not ready for adult life.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

16.Many parents are very happy when their children return home to live.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

17.Parents always treat their children as they are young.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

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1 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 3

Полученные баллы: 0

Вопрос №18-26

Раздел 3. (задания по грамматике)

Прочитайте приведенный ниже Текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18-26, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните поля ответа получен­ными словами в соответствующем порядке. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 18-26. 

One fine winter day Mr. Wardle said, “What do you say to an hour on the ice?” Everybody 18____(LIKE) the idea.

“Can you skate, Winkle?” asked Mr. Wardle. (Mr. Winkle was fond of saying that he 19_____(GO) in for many kinds of sport.) “Yes,” answered Mr. Winkle. “But I have no skates.”

“You can take 20_____(MY),” offered one of Mr. Winkle’s friends.

Mr. Winkle 21_____(CAN) do nothing but say that he was very glad, though he looked most uncomfortable.


In a few minutes they all started walking towards the ice.

The guests immediately 22_____(PUT) on their skates and began making circles on the surface of the ice.

All this time Mr. Winkle with his face and hands blue with cold 23_____(TRY) to put on his skates. At last he was able to do so.

Then with a great effort Mr. Winkle made a few movements but almost immediately ran against another member of the company -


Mr. Sawyer who 24_____(MAKE) beautiful figures on the ice.

Both fell down heavily.

But it a moment Bob Sawyer could rise to his 25_____(FOOT) himself.

Mr. Winkle still sat on ice, trying to smile.

“I could help 26_____(HE) to rise,” said Sam, the servant.

Ваш ответ:

Вы пропустили вопрос

Правильный ответ:

liked , went , mine , could , put , wastrying , wasmaking , feet , him

Полученные баллы: 0

Вопрос №27-32

Раздел 3. (задания по грамматике)

Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27-32, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.Заполните поля ответа получен­ными словами в соответствующем порядке. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 27-32.

Have you heard that fashion hurts? Wearing 27_____(FASHION) clothes can be bad for you!

This may surprise you, but it is said that some clothes can cause 28_____(VARY) problems.

Do you find this difficult to believe? Well, 29_____(SCIENCE) have

discovered that following the latest fashion trends can be 30____(HEALTHY)

For example, if you tie a scarf or tie too 31_____(TIGHT) it increases your blood pressure.

Tight jeans and trousers, short skirts and even 32_____(SENSE) flat shoes may all cause illnesses.

Ваш ответ:

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Правильный ответ:

fashionable , various , scientists , unhealthy , tightly , sensible

Полученные баллы: 0

Вопрос №33

Раздел 4 (задание но письму)

При выполнении задания 33 особое внимание обратите на необходимость соблюдения указанного объема письма. Письма недостаточного объема, а также часть текста письма, превышающая требуемый объем, не оцениваются.

You have 30 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking friend, Denis.

... I have been to many different countries. Now I’ve just returned from Italy. It is a wonderful country! I liked everything there. I’m thinking of travelling to Russia next summer.

What is the weather like in summer? Should I bring some warm clothes? What do you recommend to take there anyway?

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.

Write 100-120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

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Вопрос №34


Task 1

Give a talk about weather and seasons

Remember to say:

• what season you are fond of, why

• what kind of weather is the best for you, why do you like it; what the weather is today

• what you prefer: living in the country with one season all year round or in a country with changeable seasons

You have to talk for 1,5-2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

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Вопрос №35


Task 2 (2-3 minutes)

You play the part of an exchange student in an international school in England. You need to copy last lecture on Economics. You missed it because you visited the doctor. On campus you see your classmate Nick/Nancy who can give you his/her notes.

  • Ask your classmate to lend his/her notes on Economics.
  • Answer your classmate’s questions why you missed the lecture.
  • Answer the questions why you visited the doctor and say that you are feeling better now.
  • Invite your classmate to go on the excursion to the Tower of London on Saturday.

You begin the conversation. The examiner will play the part of your classmate.

Remember to:

  • mention all four aspects of the task
  • take an active part in the conversation and be polite

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