Английский язык (Вариант 2)

Раздел 2. Чтение

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами А-G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Almost daily

5. Poorly rewarded 

2. Daily distraction

6. High security

3. Mobile luxury

7. Daily treasure

4. Not like old days

8. Almost twice daily

A.Greg cycles to college every day. The college
park where you can leave your bicycle. Because many bikes have been stolen, Greg now has a daily ritual of carefully chaining the bike to a stand and locking each of the wheels. Then he removes the handlebar and saddle and locks them separately in a cabinet in the college.

B. Martin works for a posh “take away” restaurant called “Meals on wheels”. Every evening he has to put on a suit and by car, deliver a three course meal plus wine to rich people around the city. It is almost, Martin thinks, like being a butler or servant a hundred years ago. Except that he has three different “masters” every day. He thinks the restaurant should be called “Servants on Wheels”.

C.Locking up, Sasha reflected, was the worst possible responsibility. She was supposed to arrive at the restaurant at 4pm and officially she was supposed to finish at midnight when the restaurant closed, but she was the key holder and therefore always the last person to leave. Often this kept her there every night until lam or even later. At least she was paid a little extra for this but not enough — in her view!

D.Charlotte spends about 30 minutes every day writing her private diary. She has maintained this discipline since she was a teenager. Even if nothing particularly noteworthy has happened, she likes to record her impressions of people and conversations. She writes with a pen and has a complete book for every year since she started. These are safely locked away and considered by Charlotte to be her most valued possessions.

E.John walks to school every day — not because he has to, but because he enjoys it. It is about 2kms across some orchards, over the bridge and then just a short walk to the edge of town where the school is situated. Of course he can go by bus if the weather is exceptionally bad — and he always uses the bus to get home. But it is a pretty walk and an excellent way to start the day.

F.When Louise was a young girl growing up in Scotland — her family never used to lock the door. There was no crime in her village and visitors were always welcome. Now she has to lock up every night and secure all the windows. If a visitor comes she has a “spy hole” to check who it is before answering. Modern life in the city, she felt, was a different world to the one she grew up in.

G.Emma loves her dog. His name is Arnie, he is two years old and absolutely full of fun. But she has to take him out for a proper walk before and after school. She enjoys this but yet Emma hates getting up early in the morning and it is always a struggle for her, especially in the winter when it is still dark in the mornings. Sometimes her Mum helps and Emma is grateful beyond words.


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