Английский язык (Грамматические навыки)

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«Alison kissed me goodnight and left. I tried to resist my curiosity but I __________________(NOT/CAN). I opened the box.»

I was sitting in an arm-chair and watching my sister Alison. She was getting ready for a party. Alison was 15 years __________________(OLD) than me and she always treated me like a child. Alison took her jewelry box from the table. The box __________________(MAKE) of wood and had colourful stones on the top. “You know you must never touch it, right?” Alison said. “If the box was mine, I __________________(ALLOW) you to touch it whenever you wanted,” I answered. Alison said nothing to that. When she put on her jewelry, she looked like a princess. She moved gracefully as if her __________________(FOOT) didn’t touch the ground. Alison kissed me goodnight and left. I tried to resist my curiosity but I __________________(NOT/CAN). I opened the box. There __________________(BE) lots of rings, ear-rings, bracelets and necklaces inside. I got them all out. The __________________(ONE) piece of jewelry I tried on was a silver necklace. After that I lost track of time. Suddenly I __________________(SEE) Alison. She was standing at the doorway and looking at me angrily. I __________________(NOT/KNOW) what to say.

Many years have passed since that night. Now I am a designer – I create clothes and accessories. My sister likes my work very much.


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