Русский язык (Определение главной информации текста)
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Вопрос 43
These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend.
You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:
• where and when the photo was taken
• what/who is in the photo
• what is happening
• why you keep the photo in your album
• why you decided to show the picture to your friend
You have to talk continuously, starting with: “I’ve chosen photo number …”
I have chosen the photo number two. I took it last summer when I was visiting my uncle and his family in their countryhouse near the lake of Ladoga. The only person in the photo is my uncle's wife, whom I tend to call aunt because we treat each other like an aunt and a nephew. At the moment I took the picture she was watering her flowers, which she loves a lot. That is the reason why there are so many of them in the foreground and the background of the photo. Those flowers will eventually form a garden my "aunt" has been planning to build for a long time. She is passionate about it, and that is exactly the reason I keep this photo: I haven't seen such passion often and it certainly stands out from the rest, not to mention that the picture itself seems filled with it to me. This is the reason I'm showing you this photo as well. I hope you'd get some inspiration from it, like I did more than once. That is all I had to say.
Источник: Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2019 по английскому языку.
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Вопрос 43
These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend.
You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:
• where and when the photo was taken
• what/who is in the photo
• what is happening
• why you keep the photo in your album
• why you decided to show the picture to your friend
You have to talk continuously, starting with: "I’ve chosen photo number … ".
I’ve chosen photo number 1. Do you know that I like taking pictures? My family and I decided to spend one month nearby the beautiful lake which was situated on the top of the mountain. I made the photo when we first came to that lake. It was the begining of august. The water was clean and we didn't miss the chance to swim there. In the foreground of the picture four members of my family are watching on the beautiful lake. In the background you can see huge mountains which surround the whole area. I also learned some of the surviving skills because living in the wild nature isn’t as easy as it might seem. I keep the photo in my album because of the awesome view. You can see my family sitting and watching at the astounding lake. I decided to show the picture to you because this is one of my best shots. Also I thought that you would be interested to see some photos from my trip. I hope you liked my picture.
Высказывание должно быть логично; содержать вступительную и заключительную фразы, соответствующие теме. Средства логической связи должны быть использованы верно. Необходимо избегать необоснованных пауз в речи, верно расставлять ударения, правильно использовать интонацию, не нарушать нормы произношения слов.
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Вопрос 43
These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend.
You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:
• where and when the photo was taken
• what/who is in the photo
• what is happening
• why you keep the photo in your album
• why you decided to show the picture to your friend
You have to talk continuously, starting with: "I’ve chosen photo number … ".
I’ve chosen photo number 1. I would like to tell you more about this picture. I don’t see lots of beautiful things in my everyday life because I'm working in the office and most of the time I spend sitting in front of the computer. That is why I don’t miss an opportunity to move to another country and spend a couple of weeks in wild nature. I took the photo at the top of the mountain on the first day of our trip to Canada. The weather was fantastic there. The water is absolutely pure and spotless. In the picture people are standing next to the lake. In the background there are giant mountains. On the left of the photo a tourist is making a shot. He seems to be concentrated. Ohter people are just standing and enjoying the view. I keep the photo in my album because I love to look at the picture lying at home on the couch. Also the view is really fantastic. I decided to show the picture to you because I thought that you would like this shot. Also I wanted to invite you to go on that place next summer. Did you like my picture? Would you like to go to that place together?
Высказывание должно быть логично; содержать вступительную и заключительную фразы, соответствующие теме. Средства логической связи должны быть использованы верно. Необходимо избегать необоснованных пауз в речи, верно расставлять ударения, правильно использовать интонацию, не нарушать нормы произношения слов.
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Вопрос 43
These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend.
You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:
• where and when the photo was taken
• what/who is in the photo
• what is happening
• why you keep the photo in your album
• why you decided to show the picture to your friend
You have to talk continuously, starting with: "I’ve chosen photo number … ".
I’ve chosen photo number 3. Do you know that I like taking pictures? Friends offered me to go with them on the three week trip and I agreed. I made the photo when we were walking around the city. It was the first day of my trip. We saw many fascinating sights and one of them was that beautiful bridge which you can see in the foreground of the picture. We also visited a local museum which had one of the most extravagant galleries. But I truly enjoyed the architecture. In the photo you can see a lot of lights. On the left of the picture there is a white boat. The sky is very clear. The weather seems to be calm and peaceful. I keep the photo in my album because the view is incredible and I’ve never seen anything like this in my hometown. Also I wanted to save at least one picture from my trip. I decided to show the picture to you because it would be great if you agreed to go with us to that city next summer. I'm sure that it will be a wonderful trip. Did you like my picture? I hope you did.
Высказывание должно быть логично; содержать вступительную и заключительную фразы, соответствующие теме. Средства логической связи должны быть использованы верно. Необходимо избегать необоснованных пауз в речи, верно расставлять ударения, правильно использовать интонацию, не нарушать нормы произношения слов.
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Вопрос 43
These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend.
You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:
• where and when the photo was taken
• what/who is in the photo
• what is happening
• why you keep the photo in your album
• why you decided to show the picture to your friend
You have to talk continuously, starting with: "I’ve chosen photo number … ".
I’ve chosen photo number 2. I would like to tell you more about this picture. I took the photo on the first day of my trip to Canada. It's a local river nearby the village. In the foregorund of the picture you can see a river which is the most popular place among local kids. I used to play there, too. The view is incredible and many tourists visit that beautiful area. The river has clean water. That is why it has a lot of fish. Many fishermen enjoy spending time there. In the background of the picture you can see a beatiful sky. On the left of the photo there is an ancient building. I keep the photo in my album because it makes me go back in time and recall my old days. I live in the city so I often watch at that photo, especially when I’m feeling bad or very tired. I decided to show the picture to you because it’s one of the most precious shots that I have. Also you asked me a lot about that place. I hope you liked this picture.
Высказывание должно быть логично; содержать вступительную и заключительную фразы, соответствующие теме. Средства логической связи должны быть использованы верно. Необходимо избегать необоснованных пауз в речи, верно расставлять ударения, правильно использовать интонацию, не нарушать нормы произношения слов.
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Вопрос 43
These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend.
You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:
• where and when the photo was taken
• what/who is in the photo
• what is happening
• why you keep the photo in your album
• why you decided to show the picture to your friend
You have to talk continuously, starting with: "I’ve chosen photo number …
I’ve chosen photo number 3. I would like to tell you more about this picture. I enjoy exploring the culture of other countries. On such trips I learn lots of interesting facts and some of them change my attitude to life. Anyway, I took the photo in the local city when I first saw those dazzling elephants. It was a second day of my trip. In the foreground of the picture four men are sitting on the backs of giant elephants. In the background of the picture tourists are gathering to see the speactacular show. Elephants were the part of an entertainement program on the public holiday. Despite the size of those creatures they are shy and cautious. But if you treat them well they answer you back with the same attitude. I keep the photo in my album because the greatness of those animals amazed me. Also those creatures are very smart. I decided to show the photo to you because you always said that elephants are evil and hideous living beings. But it is not true at all. I hope that you liked the picture that I showed you.
Высказывание должно быть логично; содержать вступительную и заключительную фразы, соответствующие теме. Средства логической связи должны быть использованы верно. Необходимо избегать необоснованных пауз в речи, верно расставлять ударения, правильно использовать интонацию, не нарушать нормы произношения слов.
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Вопрос 43
These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend.
You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:
• where and when the photo was taken
• what/who is in the photo
• what is happening
• why you keep the photo in your album
• why you decided to show the picture to your friend
You have to talk continuously, starting with: "I’ve chosen photo number … ".
I’ve chosen photo number 1. Do you know that I like taking pictures? I made the photo on the second week of our bicycle adventure. We were passing by the local village. The Instructor of our group was a professional rider and taught us many useful things. I wasn’t in the best shape considering that I hadn’t ridden the bicycle for years. In the foreground of the photo you can see courageous members of our group. They are all riding bicycles. In the background of the picture you can see bold trees. We were surrounded by giant trees. On the right you can see a beautiful dog. I keep the photo in my album because it was a real challenge for me and I wanted to memorize it. Also the shot is very good. I decided to show the picture to you because as I know you're a big fan of bicycle trips. Also I wanted to share my feelings. I hope that we will gather on the next season and make an unforgettable trip togeher.
Высказывание должно быть логично; содержать вступительную и заключительную фразы, соответствующие теме. Средства логической связи должны быть использованы верно. Необходимо избегать необоснованных пауз в речи, верно расставлять ударения, правильно использовать интонацию, не нарушать нормы произношения слов.
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Вопрос 43
These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend.
You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:
• where and when the photo was taken
• what/who is in the photo
• what is happening
• why you keep the photo in your album
• why you decided to show the picture to your friend
You have to talk continuously, starting with: "I’ve chosen photo number … ".
I’ve chosen photo number 1. Do you know that I like taking pictures? I always wanted to try to live in a foreign country. And I was given that opportunity in the last summer. I took the photo when I first got into the local bus in India. It was the first day of my trip. I wanted to see one popular museum that was located outside the town. People I should say were very friendly. One time a guy even made me a little excursion around the city. In the picture people are sitting in the local bus. In the middle of the picture a tourist is speaking with our driver. The weather seems to be nice. I keep the photo in my album because that bus trip was very amusing. I really enjoyed it. I decided to show the picture to you because this shot is fantastic. Also you told me a lot of storiest about India so I thought that you would be interested. I hope you liked my picture.
Высказывание должно быть логично; содержать вступительную и заключительную фразы, соответствующие теме. Средства логической связи должны быть использованы верно. Необходимо избегать необоснованных пауз в речи, верно расставлять ударения, правильно использовать интонацию, не нарушать нормы произношения слов.
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Вопрос 43
These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend.
You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:
• where and when the photo was taken
• what/who is in the photo
• what is happening
• why you keep the photo in your album
• why you decided to show the picture to your friend
You have to talk continuously, starting with: "I’ve chosen photo number … ".
I’ve chosen photo number 1. This picture was taken by me. I was going to spend the whole summer sitting at home and watching movies. I love spending time lying on the coach and doing nothing. But my friends had convinced me to go on the two week trip to India. I was skeptical about the idea. I believed that it would be too dangerous. And I was absolutely right. I took the photo when we were crossing the fast-flowing river on the tiny boats which you can see in the foreground. It was on the first day of my trip. In the background of the picture you can see lots of trees and bushes. Tourists are examining local wonders of nature. Some of them are taking photos. I keep the shot in my album because it was an interesting experience. I told about that trip to all my relatives. I decided to show the picture to you because this is one of my favorite shots from that trip. I thought that you would be interested to see it. Hopefully, we will go there next summer together.
Высказывание должно быть логично; содержать вступительную и заключительную фразы, соответствующие теме. Средства логической связи должны быть использованы верно. Необходимо избегать необоснованных пауз в речи, верно расставлять ударения, правильно использовать интонацию, не нарушать нормы произношения слов.
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Вопрос 43
These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend.
You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes ( 12-15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:
• where and when the photo was taken
• what/who is in the photo
• what is happening
• why you keep the photo in your album
• why you decided to show the picture to your friend
You have to talk continuously, starting with: "I've chosen photo number..."
I’ve chosen photo number 2. Do you know that I like taking pictures? I had holidays this summer and I had decided to travel to Norway because I had never been there before. I took the photo when I was passing by the local village. It was the first day of my trip. In the front of the picture you can see two beautiful kids wearing self made out of flowers dresses. On the right sight of the background there is a local forest, on the left sight you can see the grassland. These two girls live in the village and I asked if I can make a photo with them. Luckily they agreed and posed for a while. I keep the photo in my album because of the beautiful view. Also it is the only picture from my trip. I decided to show the photo to you because I find it truly beautiful. The picture represents both nature and culture of the country. Hopefully, you will manage to travel with me next summer.
Высказывание должно быть логично; содержать вступительную и заключительную фразы, соответствующие теме. Средства логической связи должны быть использованы верно. Необходимо избегать необоснованных пауз в речи, верно расставлять ударения, правильно использовать интонацию, не нарушать нормы произношения слов.
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