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Вопрос 11

Раздел 2. Чтение

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Number of teenagers with Saturday job drops 

The number of teenagers with Saturday jobs has dropped. Young people do not acquire any experience for their CVs — a crucial step towards getting full-time work. The proportion of teenagers combining part-time jobs with school or college has slumped from 40% in the 1990s to around 20% now, according to the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES), a government agency. Latest figures show that only A _________________________ in 1997.

The trend is not just recession-related, but the result of an increasing expectation В _________________________ well as a falling number of Saturday jobs, according to the report. Many of the jobs that young people do, such as bar work, are in long-term decline, and are forecast to decline further over the next decade.

«Recruiters place significant emphasis on experience С _________________________,» the report says. Word of mouth is the most common way to get a job, D _________________________ young people are unable to build up informal contacts, it adds.

Ms. Todd, a commissioner at the UKCES, said: «There's more emphasis on doing well at school, young people are finding less time to do what they would have done a few years ago.» «I think it's also the changing structure of the labour market. Retail is still a big employer, E _________________________. As a consequence, we need to think about how we get young people the work experience they need.»

A new initiative to send employees into state schools to talk about their careers was also launched recently. The scheme, Inspiring the Future, is meant to give state schoolchildren access to the kind of careers advice that private schools offer. The deputy prime minister said: «The power of making connections F _________________________ and can be life-changing.»


1. that it was researching the system of funding education after 16

2. 260,000 teenagers have a Saturday job compared with 435,000

3. but young people are leaving education increasingly less experienced

4. that inspire young people is immeasurable

5. but an increasing shortage of work experience means

6. that young people should stay on at school, as

7. but a lot more of it is being done online


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Вопрос 11

Раздел 2. Чтение

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The science of sound, or acoustics, as it is often called, has been made over radically within a comparatively short space of time. Not so long ago the lectures on sound in colleges and high schools dealt chiefly with the vibrations of such things as the air columns in organ pipes. Nowadays, however, thanks chiefly to a number of electronic instruments engineers can study sounds as effectively A______ . The result has been a new approach to research in sound. Scientists have been able to make far-reaching discoveries in many fields of acoustics B ______ .

Foremost among the instruments that have revolutionized the study of acoustics are electronic sound-level meters also known as sound meters and sound-intensity meters. These are effective devices that first convert sound waves into weak electric signals, then amplify the signals through electronic means C ______ . The intensity of a sound is measured in units called decibels. “Zero” sound is the faintest sound D ______ . The decibel measures the ratio of the intensity of a given sound to the standard “zero” sound. The decibel scale ranges from 0 to 130. An intensity of 130 decibels is perceived not only as a sound, but also E ______ . The normal range of painlessly audible sounds for the average human ear is about 120 decibels. For forms of life other than ourselves, the range can be quite different.

The ordinary sound meter measures the intensity of a given sound, rather than its actual loudness. Under most conditions, however, it is a quite good indicator of loudness. Probably the loudest known noise ever heard by human ears was that of the explosive eruption in August, 1883, of the volcano of Krakatoa in the East Indies. No electronic sound meters, of course, were in existence then, but physicists estimate that the sound at its source must have had an intensity of 190 decibels, F ______ .


1. and finally measure them.

2. since it was heard 3,000 miles away.

3. and they have been able to put many of these discoveries to practical use.

4. that loud sound is of high intensity.

5. as they study mechanical forces.

6. as a painful sensation in the ear.

7. that the unaided human ear can detect.

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Вопрос 11

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Scotland Yard

Scotland Yard is the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police in London. To most people, its name immediately brings to mind the picture of a detective — cool, efficient, ready to track down any criminal, or a helmeted police constable — A ___________________ and trusty helper of every traveller from overseas.

Scotland Yard is situated on the Thames Embankment close to the Houses of Parliament and the familiar clock tower of Big Ben, and its jurisdiction extends over 740 square miles with the exception of the ancient City of London, B _________________.

One of the most successful developments in Scotland Yard’s crime detection and emergency service has been the “999 system”. On receipt of a call the 999 Room operator ascertains by electronic device the position of the nearest available police car, C__________________. Almost instantly a message is also sent by teleprinter to the police station concerned so that within seconds of a call for assistance being received, a police car is on its way to the scene. An old-established section of the Metropolitan police is the Mounted Branch, with its strength of about 200 horses stabled at strategic points. These horses are particularly suited to ceremonial occasions, D __________________.

An interesting branch of Scotland Yard is the branch of Police Dogs, first used as an experiment in 1939. Now these dogs are an important part of the Force. One dog, for example, can search a warehouse in ten minutes, E _________.

There is also the River Police, or Thames Division, which deals with all crimes occurring within its river boundaries.

There are two other departments of Scotland Yard – the Witness Room (known as the Rogues’ Gallery) where a photographic record of known and suspected criminals is kept, and the Museum, F _________________.


1. which is contacted by radio

2. that familiar figure of the London scene

3. for they are accustomed to military bands

4. which possesses its own separate police force

5. which contains murder relics and forgery exhibits

6. that this policeman will bring the criminal to justice

7. whereas the same search would take six men an hour


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Вопрос 11

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Cat’s punctuality

Sergeant Podge, a Norwegian Forest Cat, disappears from his owner’s home in a small town in Kent, every night. But what baffles his owner, Liz Bullard, mostly is the fact that the next morning, the 12-year-old cat always pops up in exactly the same place, A______ . And every morning Ms. Bullard takes her son to school before collecting Sergeant Podge.

She said that the routine had set in earlier this year, when Sergeant Podge disappeared one day. Ms. Bullard spent hours telephoning her neighbours В ______ .

An elderly woman living about one and a half miles away called back to inform Ms. Bullard that she had found a cat matching Sergeant Podge’s description. Ms. Bullard picked him up but within days he vanished from sight again. She rang the elderly woman С______ .

She said a routine has now become established, where each morning she takes her son to school before driving to collect Sergeant Podge D ______ .

It is thought Sergeant Podge walks across a golf course every night to reach his destination.

Ms. Bullard said: “If it’s raining he may be in the bush but he comes running if I clap my hands.” All she has to do is open the car passenger door from the inside for Sergeant Podge to jump in.

Ms. Bullard also makes the trip at weekends and during school holidays — E ______ .

She does not know why, after 12 years, Sergeant Podge has begun the routine but explained that another woman who lived nearby used to feed him sardines, and that he may be F ______ .

His owner doesn’t mind his wandering off at night as long as she knows where to collect him.


1. on the look-out for more treats

2. from the pavement between 0800 and 0815 GMT

3. to discover Sergeant Podge was back outside her home

4. on a pavement about one and a half miles (2.4km) away

5. to identify if anyone had bumped into him

6. when her son is having a lie-in

7. collected by car every morning

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Promoting language learning 

The European Union (EU) is committed to supporting the rights of its citizens to personal and professional mobility, and their ability to communicate with each other. It does so by A_____________________ to promote the teaching and learning of European languages. These programmes have at least one thing in common: they cover cross-border projects involving partners from two, and often three or more, EU countries.

The EU programmes are designed to complement the national education policies of member countries. Each government is responsible for its own national education policy, B_____________________. What the EU programmes do is to create links between countries and regions via joint projects, C_____________________.

Since 2007 the main programmes have been put under the overall umbrella of the EU’s lifelong learning programme. All languages are eligible for support under this programme: official languages, regional, minority and migrant languages, D_____________________. There are national information centres in each country, E_____________________.

The cultural programmes of the EU also promote linguistic and cultural diversity in a number of ways. The “Media” programme funds the dubbing and subtitling of European films for F _____________________. The “Culture” programme builds cross-cultural bridges by supporting the translation of modern authors into other EU languages.


1. and the languages of the EU’s major trading partners

2. which includes language teaching and learning

3. cinemas and television in other EU countries

4. which enhance the impact of language teaching and learning

5. funding a number of educational programmes

6. and encouraging people to learn new languages

7. where details about the application procedures are given

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Whales in a Noisy Ocean 

Whales use sound in very different ways. Some whales produce songs that travel over vast distances. They also use echolocation, like bats, A _____________. But other noise in the ocean creates a problem for the whales.

Since 1987, the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) has sent their research vessel Song of the Whale around the world B_____________. During the travels, the Song of the Whale scientists have developed expertise

_____________ to listen to and record the sounds that the animals make. Thishelps them to track, identify, and survey

different species.

One of the threats facing whales and other marine animals is noise pollution in the seas, such as noise from drilling, military activities, oil exploration, and coastal construction. This noise can cause great distress to whales and dolphins and can D_____________.

It is feared this noise pollution may cause mass strandings, E _____________. If the Song of the Whale team can

F _____________, then hopefully the nature and location of disturbing noise can be changed.


1. in using underwater microphones

2. to locate food and find their way

3. result in injury and even death

4. track and identify their habitats

5. to filter out food from the water

6. to provide a platform for marine research

7. when large numbers come ashore


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Peter and Paul Fortress 

The Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg, located on small Hare Island, is the historic core of the city. The history of St. Petersburg begins with the history of the fortress.

Since 1700 Russia had been fighting the Northern War against Sweden. By 1703 the lands by the Neva River were conquered. To protect them from the attacks of the Swedes it was necessary to build a strong outpost here. The fortress was founded on Hare Island 16 (27) May, 1703 by joint plan of Peter I and French engineer Joseph-Gaspard Lambert de Guerin. This day is well known A_______________________.

The fortress stretches from west to east with six bastions B_______________________. The Peter’s Gate on the east side, C_____________________, has remained since the time of Peter I. The Peter and Paul Cathedral, D_______________________ emperors and the monument of Russian baroque, was completed after the death of the emperor, in 1733. The weathervane as a golden angel with a cross, E_______________________, is one of the main symbols of the city. On the opposite side of the cathedral, there is the Mint building, constructed in the time of Paul I by architect A. Porto. Coinage was moved to the fortress F_______________________ in the time of Peter I. The Peter and Paul Fortress has never directly participated in any fighting. From the very beginning of its existence it was used as a political prison. Since 1924 the Peter and Paul Fortress has been a part of the Museum of the History of St. Petersburg.


1. as the day of the birth of St. Petersburg

2. which was designed by D. Trezzini

3. which was the burial place of Russian

4. and reminding of the rich history of the city

5. as the most protected part of the city

6. which is located on the spire of the cathedral

7. that are located at the corners


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Duration of life and its social implications

The world’s population is about to reach a landmark of huge social and economic importance, when the proportion of the global population over 65 outnumbers children under 5 for the first time. A new report by the US census bureau shows A ______ , with enormous consequences for both rich and poor nations.

The rate of growth will shoot up in the next couple of years. The В ______ a combination of the high birth rates after the Second World War and more recent improvements in health that are bringing down death rates at older ages. Separate UN forecasts predict that the global population will be more than nine billion by 2050.

The US census bureau was the first to sound the С ______ . Its latest forecasts warn governments and international bodies that this change in population structure will bring widespread challenges at every level of human organization, starting with the structure of the family, which will be transformed as people live longer. This will in turn place new burdens on careers and social services providers, D ______ for health services and pensions systems.

“People are living longer and, in some parts of the world, healthier lives,” the authors conclude. “This represents one of the greatest achievements of the last century but also a significant challenge E ______ population.”

Ageing will put pressure on societies at all levels. One way of measuring that is to look at the older dependency ratio, F ______ that must be supported by them. The ODR is the number of people aged 65 and over for every 100 people aged 20 to 64. It varies widely, from just six in Kenya to 33 in Italy and Japan. The UK has an ODR of 26, and the US has 21.


1. which recently replaced Italy as the world’s oldest major country

2. alarm about these changes

3. a huge shift towards an ageing population

4. change is due to

5. while patterns of work and retirement will have huge implications

6. which shows the balance between working-age people and the older

7. as proportions of older people increase in most countries


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The life of Pi 

«The Life of Pi» published in 2001 is the third book by the Canadian author Yann Martel. It has A_______________________, won several prizes and been translated into forty-one languages.

At the start of the book, we B_______________________ in India. His father owns the city zoo and the family home is in the zoo. When they aren’t at school, Pi and his brother help their father at the zoo and he learns a lot about animals.

When Pi is sixteen, his parents decide to close the zoo and move to Canada. They travel by ship taking the animals with them. On the way, there is C_______________________. Sadly, Pi’s family and the sailors all die in the storm, but Pi lives and finds himself in a lifeboat with a hyena, zebra, orangutan and an enormous tiger. At first, Pi is scared of the animals and jumps into the ocean. Then he remembers there are sharks in the water and decides to climb back into the lifeboat. One by one, the animals in the lifeboat kill and eat each other, till only Pi and the tiger are left alive. Luckily for Pi, there is D_______________________, but he soon needs to start catching fish. He feeds the tiger to stop it killing and eating him. He also uses a whistle and E_______________________ and show it that he’s the boss.

Pi and the tiger spend 227 days in the lifeboat. They live through terrible storms and the burning heat of the Pacific sun. They are often hungry and ill. Finally, they arrive at the coast of Mexico, but you will have to F_______________________ in the end!


1. read the book to find out what happens

2. some food and water on the lifeboat

3. his knowledge of animals to control the tiger

4. received an award for being strong

5. sold seven million copies worldwide

6. learn about Pi’s childhood in Pondicherry

7. a terrible storm and the ship sinks


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Laughing and evolution

The first hoots of laughter from an ancient ancestor of humans could be heard at least 10 million years ago, according to the results of a new study. Researchers used recordings of apes and babies being tickled A ______ to the last common ancestor that humans shared with the modern great apes, which include chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans.

The finding challenges the opinion В ______ , suggesting instead that it emerged long before humans split from the evolutionary path that led to our primate cousins, between 10m and 16m years ago.

“In humans, laughing can be the strongest way of expressing how much we are enjoying ourselves, but it can also be used in other contexts, like making fun of someone,” said Marina Davila Ross, a psychologist at Portsmouth University. “I was interested in С ______ .”

Davila Ross travelled to seven zoos around Europe and visited a wildlife reserve in Sabah, Borneo, to record baby and juvenile apes D ______ . Great apes are known to make noises that are similar to laughter when they are excited and while they are playing with each other.

Davila Ross collected recordings of laughter from 21 chimps, gorillas, orangutans and bonobos and added recordings of three babies that were tickled to make them laugh.

To analyze the recordings, the team put them into a computer program. “Our evolutionary tree based on these acoustic recordings alone showed E ______ , but furthest from orangutans, with gorillas somewhere in the middle.” said Davila Ross. “What this shows is strong evidence to suggest F ______ .”


1. whether laughing emerged earlier on than humans did

2. to create the evolutionary tree linking humans and apes

3. that laughter is a uniquely human trait

4. that humans were closest to chimps and bonobos

5. that laughing comes from a common primate ancestor

6. while their caretakers tickled them

7. to trace the origin of laughter back

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